Sunday, January 13, 2008

Upcoming vacation!

I know I missed my last Saturday post (yesterday) and I'm hereby announcing that I'm likely gonna miss next Saturday as well. Why, you ask? I'm going on vacation! Where, you ask? My favorite place on earth, Steamboat Springs Colorado. And it's been snowing for two weeks straight - powder powder powder time, baby.

I'm a pretty good skier. I like to think I'm as good as anyone could be given:
- three weeks a year on skis from 3 years - 12 years
- two weeks a year from 12 - 18 years old
- one week a year most, but not all, years thereafter.

I can get down anything. I enjoy getting down most everything. But I'm only graceful about 70% of the time. I haven't been in Steamboat during a true powder dump since I was 18. I can't wait I can't wait I can't wait. With my luck, though, the snow will stop two days prior to my arrival and a warm snap will arrive one day before I get there.


Cross yer fingers for snow, baby!


Dave2 said...

I am already concentrating too hard for you not to get hurt, but I will also hope for snow. :-)

Have fun!

doctawife said...

Oh, poo Dave. I've been working out since Thanksgiving to try to prevent injury. I'll be fine! Thanks, tho.